Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

File:Extremely loud and incredibly close film poster.jpg

 Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

One of 2011s best films, though it had mixed reviews. I don't see how people didn't like it. It is really sad at times, but it is a very funny drama as well. It centers on young boy Oskar, who finds a key in the midst of his dead fathers things. He then pursues a search to find out what the key opens, and how it connects to his father. The film has a great cast. I loved this movie, especially since the main star isn't even an actor, though through this film, he has proved he is a very good one. Thomas Horn(Oskar) stole the show in this film. In my perspective, he should've been at least nominated for Best Actor that year. The score blew me away as well. Thank you Alexandre Desplat! And this is one of those few films who made a very good film adaption of a book.8/10.

Director: Stephen Daldry
Music: Alexandre Desplat
Cast: Thomas Horn, Max Von Sydow, Sandra Bullock, Jeffrey Wright, Viola Davis, Zoe Caldwell, with John Goodman and Tom Hanks
Release Year: 2011
Rating: PG-13

Friday, July 5, 2013

White House Down

White House Down

Roland Emmerich has made another good movie. White House Down is a political thriller about what happens after terrorists take over the White House and try to capture the president. It had a pretty good script and very good acting from the main stars. This was a pretty good film altogether, and is not just some movie that is only good because it has Channing Tatum. 6/10.

Director: Roland Emmerich
Music: Harald Kloser and Thomas Wanker
Cast: Channing Tatum, Jamie Foxx, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Joey King, Jason Clarke, Richard Jenkins, Nicholas Wright, Michael Murphy, with Jimmi Simpson and James Woods
Release Year: 2013
Rating: PG-13